Cynthia Papierniak

Faculty: Piano

Location: Near North

Bio & Education:

Cynthia K Papierniak, NCTM B.A. Music Education, Piano, French horn; M.S. Biology; U.S. Navy, Lt (j.g.). Research associate, Michael Reese and Rush hospitals. Suzuki trained teacher, Books 1-7. Taught piano at Suzuki Music School of Lincoln Park, DePaul Univ, (CMD), private home studio. I teach private piano and group lessons for performance, repertoire, and theory. Chicago Area MTA, immediate past president. Composer and humorist. American College of Musicians – Teacher Composition Prize (2008). Performance of my compositions at Univ. of North Texas, Voertman Hall, Aug 2,3, 2024

Favorite Song:

“Choose Something Like a Stat” Randall Thompson – In short, it got me throug the pandemic. Overall, it is uplifting.


“Music education is important because it gives one the tools to create, perform, and share the beauty of music. And when we share or create music we are reachng our inner soul. Merit’s gift to the budding musician is that there are so many different ways to start climbing the musical ladder.”