Toshiko Suzuki

Faculty: Piano


Roosevelt University, BM
Toho College of Drama and Music, Piano


Ms. Suzuki was born in Japan. She started taking piano lessons at the age of four and has studied with Takashi Kato, Masumi Ueda, Reiko Kikuchi, Dr. Bruce Berr, and former Chicago Symphony Orchestra principle keyboardist, Mary Sauer.

Ms. Suzuki has been teaching piano more than two decades with over 15 years at Merit School of Music. Her private lessons students have achieved the highest grade performance exams with honors for ABRSM (Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music) and ABRSM performance diplomas, performed in Piano Texas International Festival & Academy, Cleveland Sonata Festival, DePaul Youth Concerto festivals, Walgreens National Youth Concerto Competition and have won IMA Contest and MTNA-State division Competitions.