Meet Merit’s New Look

merit branding website

Happy Birthday to Merit! We’re celebrating with some exciting news…

April 27 is Merit School of Music’s birthday, and this year we’re turning 44 years old! 🥳
To celebrate the occasion, we’re launching a whole new look, a new website, and our new newsletter—the High Note!

Enjoy the bright medley of colors and energetic graphics. We believe the refreshed look captures the spirit of Merit—a balance of fun and excellence, and overflowing with the power of music. 

Check out our new website at We’ve added plenty of fresh content, too, like Our ImpactBenefits of Music Education, and a new website calendar.

Even our lobby has an updated look! Come visit us at our West Loop home, the Joy Faith Knapp Music Center, to see our new decor.

In addition, this brand refresh is also the launch of our redesigned monthly impact newsletter, The High Note—bringing you the high notes of each month at Merit.

We all know that any good celebration has to have some music, right? So here is our Nova Piano Trio performing the classic “Happy Birthday” song.

Let’s get this party started!

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