Dr. Seungwha Baek

Faculty: Piano


DMA, Collaborative Piano at University of Wisconsin Madison
MM and Piano Performance Certification at Northern Illinois University


A native of Korea, pianist SeungWha Baek completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in collaborative piano at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under Professor Martha Fischer.

She has held a teaching assistant and has been chosen as a pianist of the Perlman Piano Trio, a student scholarship trio supported by Dr. Kato Perlman. Dr. Baek has worked on transcribing Liszt’s piano solo piece, the “Dante” Sonata, for the piano trio as her final DMA research project.

As an enthusiastic collaborative pianist and teacher, Dr. Baek has served and coached as an assigned pianist at DePaul university for a cello studio directed by Steve Balderston since 2017. Also, she has joined both instrumental and voice programs such as The Classical Singer Competition at UW-Madison (2016), National Summer Cello Institute directed by Uri Vardi at UW-Madison (2015), Wisconsin NATS at La Cross (2014), the Quartet Program led by Charles Castleman at SUNY-Fredonia (2009), and V.O.I.C. Experience program made by Mr. Sherrill Milnes in Orlando, Florida (2007).

She owns a Steinway piano that was a gift to her by donor Paul Barkus in response to hearing her deep-felt chamber recital in Florida (2014).

Favorite Composers:

Brahms, Liszt and Bach
Frankly, it is hard to point out one composer as a favorite.